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Welcome to the Vroom Groom family! We want your pet to have the most positive and safe grooming experience possible. To do that we have come up with certain policies to make our salon be run efficiently and to keep our pets happy and healthy.  If you have any questions about our policies, please do not hesitate to ask!


Vaccinations and Pre-Existing conditions:

Your pet(s) safety is our number one priority! By Vermont state law all dogs and cats are required to be vaccinated against rabies. We require a current copy of your pet’s vaccination records. The rabies vaccination must be up to date. In the case that a veterinarian deems your pet unfit for vaccination due to age, allergy or other health concern we may make an exception.

It is your responsibility as the pet parent to inform us if your pet has any allergies, health or behavior issues, special needs or any pre-existing conditions prior to the service. These may include hip/joint issues, anxiety, aggression, arthritis, prior surgeries, heart conditions, diabetes, seizures, ear infections, warts, moles or other skin problems.

We sanitize all equipment between pets. We do not require distemper, influenza or Bordetella (Kennel Cough) for the service but highly recommend that your pet is protected. We will NOT be held responsible for the contraction of any infections or illnesses.

Pet Safety/ Risks and Veterinary care

We take every and all precaution possible when grooming your pet(s).

Vroom Groom will not be held accountable for any loss or claims arising from any known or unknown pre-existing conditions of your pet(s).  Client authorizes the groomer to act as his/her agent in the event emergency veterinary services, boarding, caretaking and/ or transportation is necessary and agrees to pay all costs.

If your dog becomes too stressed or aggressive we will stop the service and the owner will be charged accordingly. For both the safety of the Pet(s) and the groomer we will not continue anything that may be harmful to either of them. We want to make your pet(s) experience as positive and relaxing as possible.


Matted Pets

Allowing a pet’s coat to get matted is not only very uncomfortable but very dangerous for your pet’s health. Excessive matting can be avoided with regular brushing and grooming. We would be more than happy to show you the proper tools and techniques necessary for mat prevention. If your pet(s) cannot be humanely dematted we may need to do what we call a “start over” a short clip to remove the matts. Removing a heavily matted coat creates the risk of nicks, cuts or abrasions due to unseen warts, moles or skin folds trapped under the matts. Heavy matting can also trap moisture near the pets skin allowing mold, fungus and bacteria to grow causing skim irritations that exist prior to the grooming process. After effects of mat removal can cause skin redness, itchiness, irritation and in some severe cases can cause failure of the hair to regrow. Depending on the severity of the matting we may need to shave extremely close to the skin. This makes these pets prone to sunburn. They should either be kept out of the sun or have sunscreen applied regularly until the protective coat regrows.

On rare occasions following the Dematting your pet may exhibit brief behavior changes. They can act timid or defensive for a few days following the shave down. This is because they feel very different and can be a bit sore from the matting. If this does not resolve in a couple of days, contact your veterinarian.

Vroom Groom Will De-mat your pet slowly, use proper tools and follow with a soothing bath and conditioner. Extra Charges will incur for matted pets and a final quote cannot be given until the dog is finished. We will do our best to give you an accurate estimate prior to the service. As the owner, you are responsible for the condition of your pets coat and will not hold Vroom Groom responsible for adverse effects of mat removal.


Fleas/ Ticks

Creepy crawly fleas and ticks multiply like crazy and spread like wildfire. We can help! We use a three step flea bathing process. We then remove any ticks found. We very carefully remove the ticks to make sure to get the entire tick out. Unfortunately, sometimes they burrow deeply into the pet’s skin and they are biting down so hard that when we try to remove it the tick breaks and part of it gets left behind. If this happens you will be notified and instructed to call your veterinarian for guidance. Vroom Groom will not be responsible for any visit or treatment your vet may or may not deem necessary. We also carry flea/ Tick preventative options, available at an additional cost. There is a possibility of reaction to such products. We use only the best products on the market for this reason. You will be provided with safety information if requested. Vroom Groom will not be held responsible for any reactions that may result from usage of these products.



Refusal of service/ Aggressive pets

Your pet’s safety, comfort and wellbeing is our number one priority. Your pet(s) will be groomed by a trained and professional groomer in the style requested. We reserve the right to alter or cease any groom if we determine it is in your pets best interest or your pet become overly aggressive. Client understands that Vroom Groom has the right to refuse service to customer’s pet(s) at any time, for any reason. Client also understands that all bites will be reported to local authorities as required by law.


Pictures/ social media

Client understand that Vroom Groom may take pictures of your pet for website, social media or advertising.  If you do not wish to allow us that privilege, please speak to us about it.


Referrals/ Reviews

We work hard to provide quality grooms, great service and affordable prices. We are so thankful for the reviews, referrals and the trust we receive from our clients. That is why we offer a little Thank You in return for referrals and positive reviews. When you refer a client to us make sure to tell them to name drop when they book their appointment. We will then put a note in your file for $5 off your next groom. When a client posts a positive review about us online they simply need to send us a picture, screenshot or link to the review and they will be entered in a raffle for a free day of pampering! We draw names every three months 😊


Cancellations/ No Shows

We require 24 hours’ notice for cancellations. This allows us time to try to fill your appointment slot. The client May be billed a $25.00 cancellation fee is proper notice is not provided.

Now on the flip side, on many rare occasions we may need to cancel on you. This is rare and will be due to Extreme illness, Family emergency, beastly weather or equipment failure. Every effort will be made to contact you as soon as possible!


For No Shows…. Or should I say Nobody’s Home…. There will be a $30 trip fee for missed appointments. Which must be paid prior to clients next appointment. Ultimately it is the client’s responsibility to keep track of their scheduled appointments. However, we do make a courtesy call or text to confirm and remind you.


Payment/ Returned Checks

Payment is due at the time of service.

We accept cash, check or card.

There is a $3 charge for processing all card purchases.

Checks returned NSF (Non-sufficient funds) will incur a $30 fee plus any fee our bank may charge us in addition to the full amount of the returned check. We do understand that this happens to the best of us on occasion. However, repeat offenders will not be able to pay by check.


Appointment times

We do our absolute best to arrive on time. However, being a traveling groomer we sometimes run into time crunches. Such as a dog being in worse shape than we expected, a difficult or disabled dog needing extra time, road conditions and traffic. If we foresee this, we will let you know as soon as possible!


Risks/ Veterinary care

The first thing that I would like to say about this topic is that we take pet safety very, very seriously! Keeping your pets safe and healthy is our number one priority. The unfortunate thing about grooming is that sometimes accidents do happen. We are working with animals and sharp tools. We get bit, a pet gets quicked, or knicked or doesn’t respond well to the Dematting. We take every possible precaution when working on your pet. Any time a pet leaves any groomer’s care in any condition less than perfect it kills us inside. This job is HARD! Rewarding, fun, but HARD! It is a physically and mentally draining job with long hours and lots of time away from our families but we do it because we LOVE the pets. We are passionate about them and we live, eat, sleep, dream animals! I treat each and every pet that steps on my table as if it were my own.


Shaving double coated dogs

Shaving a double coated dog is not recommended. In both hot and cold weather a dogs coat helps regulate body heat, provide insulations and protect from the sun. Coats that are shaved off may grow back patchy, uneven or not at all. There can be cases of clogged hair follicle. Vroom Groom will groom your pet to your preference but will not be responsible for any effects this may have on the coat thereafter.

Policies & Procedures

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